At the Taupo BMX Club Annual General Meeting held on 22nd June 2014, Steve Amrein was nominated and accepted as a Life Member of Taupo BMX Club.
This is a very brief history of Steve’s involvement in the sport and Taupo BMX Club.
- Started BMX when 7 years old at Taupo BMX Club
- His family played a big part in the running of the Taupo BMX Club.
- Travelled to Australia and competed in BMX when 11 years old
- Moved to Tauranga when 12
- Joined the Tauranga BMX Committee in 1998, was a participant in many a working bee and role model to kids like Kurt Pickard, Joel Burke and also for the Simpson and King families.
- Moved back to Taupo and re-joined Taupo BMX Club in 2001
- Taupo BMX Committee member since 2001
- Sponsored race gear, managed and trained Taupo BMX Team in 2008 and placed 1st in the BMX NZ Super Club Team 2008.
- Heavily involved in organising the hugely successful 2002 North Island Titles in Taupo
- Organised sponsorship money every year since it has been going for 30plus Super Cruiser when held in Taupo.
- Designed and assisted in redesigning Taupo BMX track
- Designing and research of new Gate at Taupo BMX Track
- Training – has run many a weekly training session for Taupo children over the last 12 years, for no monetary reward.
If you ask his wife he can be known to put BMX before his own family. Whether it is the endless hours at a working bee at the track (when the skiing isn’t going off) or simply helping source BMX parts for a new BMX Member, he is always keen to talk BMX!! It is his passion, he is competitive at it and he has a drive to help others succeed in it. He is a Role model to young kids and parents and has been so in the Taupo Region for many years.
He has competed in every Nationals (except 2014) and NI Titles for the last 11 years and has usually always made the finals. Here are some of the high points of his BMX career.
Steve Amrein - Achievements
- NZ 1 2002 30-34 Male Cruiser
- Worlds 2002, Valkenswaard Holland - Broke elbow and hand at practise session! Lucky he had Dennis Howlett and Roy Leaning to prop him up!!!
- NI 1 2007 35-39 Male Cruiser
- SI 1 2008 35-39 Male Cruiser
- NI 1 2010 35-39 Male Cruiser – Rotorua Central Region Host
- NI 1 2011 35-39 Male Cruiser – Gisborne Central Region Host
- BMX NZ Dalliston Team Member Rebel Racing 1st 2013
- 2012-2013 National Series Champion 40 – 44 Cruiser 1st
- Worlds 2013, Auckland - Semis 40-44 Male Cruiser
- NI 2 2013 40-44 Male Cruiser