We hope you are enjoying the 'off' season. However, that's about to end! We have a busy few months on the may at Taupo BMX as well as the 2015/16 BMXNZ calendar kicking off shortly. We have attached the BMXNZ calendar to this email. Read on! Club Days/Nights
There will not be a club day this weekend due to the Central Region Winter Series in Hawkes Bay. Details on that are below.
We will be running through Sundays with the final Sunday Club Day being Sunday the 13th. We then will commence Club Nights from Wednesday 16th. This means we will have a few nights under lights, however, due to the BMXNZ calendar starting, we need to have Sundays free for riders to attend other meets around NZ. Central Region Winter Series
Hawkes Bay has their round this weekend - Sunday 16th August from 10am. Anyone with a Club licence, Sprocket or Open licence can ride. It would be great to get as many of our riders there! If transport is a problem, post onto our Facebook page and people may be able to help out! Check https://taupobmx.org.nz/event-flyers.html for the flyer and more information.
The final of the Winter Series is to be held here in Taupo on the 6th September from 10am. Again, anyone with a licence is able to ride. We will also be needing helpers to run the day, so please, if you are able to help out with flags, bbq, marshalling or ANYTHING, please let us know. If you don't know how a certain job is done, we can hep you and buddy you up with someone so that you can learn! Working Bee
We are having a working bee on the Saturday the 22nd to lime the track. If the weather does not play ball, we willl transfer to Sunday. We will be putting on 28 tonne of lime, so as many hands as possible will make that 28 tonne dissapear pretty quickly! The track needs to be looking good for Winter Series, Pre-Norths and of cpourse the big one - 2015 North Island Titles! Rider Licencing
We have revewed our licence fees for the remainder of the year and they have been adjusted accordingly. Taupo Strider Licence $20 (uci age 4yrs and under) BMXNZ Open Licence (Challange) $65 (uci age 8yrs and over) BMXNZ Sprocket Licence $65 (uci age 7yrs and under) BMXNZ Club Licence $45 (uci age 8yrs and over)
Upgrade from Club to Open $45 Upgrade from Strider to Sprocket $45
All these fees run from 1st September 2015 to 31st December 2015 and include access into the track.
If you need to licence or up grade your licence to enter the Pre-Norths or 2015 BMXNZ North Island Champs, can you please have money and paper work to Jane NO LATER than 10th September so they are processed in time. If you have any questions, please ask! Training
This season we are lucky to have a few options for training. Sprocket training will be starting soon. Details for that will be sent out when they have been finalised. For those riders that are starting off the gate and are wanting to advance their riding skills, Scott will be holding training on a Monday night, starting on the 17th August from 5.30pm. Lance is to start his training on Tuesday 18th August at 5.30. This training is for Taupo BMX members who are intermediated to advanced in their skills and are committed to travelling away for racing. While training is on, the track is closed to everyone else. Please respect that. Gates
There has been interest on more gate sessions in the weekend from our members and also out of town club members. Once club days move to Wednesdays, this will open up more space in the weekend for gates - these sessions will be notified on our Facebook page with as much notice as possible given. Again, we need volounteers to help man these, so if you can help or want to learn the gate, please ask! Taupo Race Jerseys
We are taking orders for Taupo race jerseys for the lead up to Norths.
Orders are now open for the jersey up until Sunday 20th September 2015. Please find the order form attached to this email. Make sure that you order the correct size please as once printed, there will be no refunds or changes.
Youth jerseys are $69.00 each
Adult jerseys are $79.00 each
These prices are only guaranteed for this order. You can pay for these via internet banking, cheque or eftpos. Credit cards can be accepted, but will be subject to a 3% surcharge. Money must be paid with order. Delivery will be 4-6 weeks from close of orders.
Thanks to Mainstreet Pharmacy, Quality Print and Great Lake Transport for their sponsorship. Introducing TeamFund
This year we are excited to be partnering with an online fundraisng service called TeamFund!
All you have to do is snap pictures of your shopping receipts to earn cash donations for our club. TeamFund has developed a "pay-it-forward" funding model that puts the donation power in the hands of communities. Support our local businesses and at the same time raise funds for our club that will enable our club to improve our clubs facilities. TeamFund is an easy to use fundraising app: turn pictures of your everyday shopping receipts into cash donations with this free app. Get started today: 1. Download the free TeamFund app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store 2. Shop in participating businesses and start taking pictures of your receipts 3. Submit to TeamFund and earn cash donations for our club There’s no limit to how much money we can raise with TeamFund - the more support, the more we will raise for our club. Check out TeamFund.co.nz to learn more about this awesome hassle-free program. Sponsorship - 2015 North Island Titles
As a Club, we would like to first offer our members business's, workplaces or family or friend's business's the first opportunity for investment or advertising option's for the September Pre North's and the 2015 BMXNZ North Island Titles at Labour Weekend, October.
We have a range of Sponsorship opportunities to offer - Trophy sponsors, moto sponsors, banner sponsors etc. For a full list, email us back!
We are also seeking vouchers, merchandise, sample products etc. for our registration packs. There will be 700 or so riders at the Norths with about 2500 supporters and this is a great way to get your product or service out to people!
If you are interested in providing any of the above please let myself or Jane know ASAP before we will open it up to the public.
Matt Collins 2015 Norths Committee
Up and Coming Events
BMXNZ fliers for race meets can be downloaded from here: https://taupobmx.org.nz/event-flyers.html