Working Bee
As mentioned in the last newsletter, we are to have another bee before the meet on the 17th of February.
It has been decided that the 2nd of February will be a Working Bee from 10am.
We will be taking delivery of 28 ton of lime which is to be applied to the track and rolled. There will also be weedeating and lawnmowing to be done.
PLEASE can you make some time to help. The last working bee consisted of just 4 adults - the same four that go to all the working bees.
Taupo Meet - 17th February
Like the working bees, our meets require helpers. There are still jobs that need people assigned to them.
Please, even if you or your child are not racing, can you offer your services to the club. The more helpers, the fairer it is for everyone! Contact Anne-Marie if you can help - or 021 2929290.
Up and Coming Events
It seems that some members are not receiving the BMXNZ fliers for race meets. We will endeavour to have them loaded onto our website as they come in, so keep checking here:
The 2012/2013 Race Calendar is here:
- February 9th Kapiti
- February 10th Wainuiamata
- February 16th Rotorua 17-24
- February 16th Rotorua
- February 17th Taupo
- February 23rd Te Kuiti
- February 23rd Hutt Valley
- February 24th Levin
See you at the track on Wednesday night!